2020 Calendar for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Built Accounting

One of the most difficult parts of any business is keeping up with compliance deadlines and knowing what to focus on in each month. This year, we took it upon ourselves to design a calendar that solves this needs. Besides, the calendar provides you with insightful resources which month which you can get by following the monthly url under each calendar month.

Click to download 2020 calendar for Small businesses and entrepreneurs

Specifically, the calendar differs from other general calendars out there by having the following useful features:

  • Monthly small business tip: Each month, we have a theme we deal with and each theme is a collection of useful tips that will help you run your small business efficiently and effectively. Each month’s theme can be accessed by going to the url stated under the month’s picture. For instance, January’s theme and resources can be found at www.builtaccounting.com/jan
  • Regulatory deadlines: Our calendar as regulatory deadlines to help you stay compliant with tax payments and pensions contributions.


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